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  1. <text id=00odgl00><title>Glossary</title>
  2. <history>US Air Force: Glossary</history>
  3. <article><hdr>Glossary</hdr><body>
  4. <table>
  5. <tblhdr><c>Term<c>Definition
  6. <row><c format=bold>AAM<c>Air-to-Air Missile
  7. <row><c>AARB<c>Advanced Aerial Refueling Boom
  8. <row><c>ABCC<c>Airborne Battlefield Command, Control and Communications
  9. <row><c>AC<c>Aircraft Commander
  10. <row><c>ACC<c>Air Combat Command
  11. <row><c>ACES<c>Advanced Concept Ejection Seat
  12. <row><c>ACM<c>Advanced Cruise Missile
  13. <row><c>ADF<c>Air Defense Fighter
  14. <row><c>AFB<c>Air Force Base
  15. <row><c>AFCS<c>Automated Flight Control System
  16. <row><c>AFLC<c>Air Force Logistics Command
  17. <row><c>AFMC<c>Air Force Materièl Command
  18. <row><c>AFRes<c>Air Force Reserve
  19. <row><c>AFSC<c>Air Force Systems Command
  20. <row><c>AFSOC<c>Air Force Special
  21. <row><c>AFTI<c>Operations Command Advanced Fighter Technology Integration
  22. <row><c>AFV<c>Armored Fighting Vehicle
  23. <row><c>AGM<c>Air-to-Ground Missile
  24. <row><c>AIM<c>Air Intercept Missile
  25. <row><c>AIR<c>Air Inflatable Retard
  26. <row><c>ALCM<c>Air-Launched Cruise Missile
  27. <row><c>AMC<c>Air Mobility Command
  28. <row><c>AMP<c>Airlift Mater Plan
  29. <row><c>ANG<c>Air National Guard
  30. <row><c>ANGB<c>Air National Guard Base
  31. <row><c>API<c>Armor Piercing/Incendiary
  32. <row><c>ASW<c>Anti-Submarine Warfare
  33. <row><c>ATB<c>Advanced Technology Bomber
  34. <row><c>ATC<c>Air Training Command
  35. <row><c>ATF<c>Advanced Tactical Fighter
  36. <row><c>AWACS<c>Airborne Warning And Control System
  37. <row><c>AWADS<c>All-Weather Airborne Delivery System
  38. <row><c>BAI<c>Battlefield Area Interdiction
  39. <row><c>BLU<c>Bomb, Live Unit
  40. <row><c>BRU<c>Bomb, Release Unit
  41. <row><c>BUFF<c>Big Ugly Fat F***er
  42. <row><c>BVR<c>Beyond Visual Range
  43. <row><c>C<su>3</su>I<c>Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence
  44. <row><c>CAP<c>Combat Air Patrol
  45. <row><c>CAS<c>Close Air Support
  46. <row><c>CBR<c>Chemical, Biological, Radioactive
  47. <row><c>CBU<c>Cluster Bomb Unit
  48. <row><c>CFT<c>Conformal Fuel Tanks
  49. <row><c>CILOP<c>Conversion in Lieu Of Procurement
  50. <row><c>COIN<c>COunter Insurgency
  51. <row><c>Comint<c>Communication Intelligence
  52. <row><c>CRT<c>Cathode Ray Tube
  53. <row><c>CSRL<c>Common Strategic Rotary Launcher
  54. <row><c>DLIR<c>Downward-Looking Infra-Red
  55. <row><c>DSO<c>Defensive Systems Operator
  56. <row><c>ECCM<c>Electronic Counter-CounterMeasures
  57. <row><c>ECM<c>Electronic CounterMeasures
  58. <row><c>EDSA<c>European Distribution System Aircraft
  59. <row><c>EFCS<c>Electronic Flight Control System
  60. <row><c>Elint<c>Electronic Intelligence
  61. <row><c>EMP<c>ElectroMagnetic Pulse
  62. <row><c>EO<c>Electro-Optical
  63. <row><c>EVS<c>Electro-optical Viewing System
  64. <row><c>EW<c>Electronic Warfare
  65. <row><c>EWO<c>Electronic Warfare Officer
  66. <row><c>FAC<c>Forward Air Control
  67. <row><c>FBW<c>Fly By Wire
  68. <row><c>FFAR<c>Folding-Fin Aircraft Rocket
  69. <row><c>FLIR<c>Forward Looking Infra-Red
  70. <row><c>FMS<c>Foreign Military Sales
  71. <row><c>FOL<c>Forward Operating Location
  72. <row><c>FOT&E<c>Follow-On Test and Evaluation
  73. <row><c>FSAT<c>Full-Scale Aerial Target
  74. <row><c>FSD<c>Full-Scale Development
  75. <row><c>FY<c>Fiscal Year
  76. <row><c>BDU<c>Bomb, Dummy Unit
  77. <row><c>GBU<c>Aircraft Gun Unit
  78. <row><c>GP<c>Guided Bomb Unit
  79. <row><c>GPS<c>Global Positioning System
  80. <row><c>HARM<c>High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile
  81. <row><c>HF<c>High Frequency
  82. <row><c>HMMWV<c>High-Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle
  83. <row><c>HOTAS<c>Hands On Throttle And Stick
  84. <row><c>HUD<c>Head-Up Display
  85. <row><c>HVACAP<c>High-Value Asset Combat Air Patrol
  86. <row><c>ICMB<c>Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile
  87. <row><c>IFR<c>Instrument Flight Rules
  88. <row><c>IIR<c>Imaging Infra-Red
  89. <row><c>INS<c>Inertial Navigation System
  90. <row><c>IOC<c>Initial Operating Capability
  91. <row><c>IP<c>Instructor Pilot
  92. <row><c>IR<c>Infra-Red
  93. <row><c>JPATS<c>Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
  94. <row><c>J-STARS<c>Joint Primary Aircraft Trainer System
  95. <row><c>JTIDS<c>Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
  96. <row><c>LANTIRN<c>Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting, Infra-Red, for Night
  97. <row><c>LAPES<c>Low-Altitude Parachute Extraction System
  98. <row><c>LAU<c>LAuncher Unit
  99. <row><c>LF<c>Low Frequency
  100. <row><c>LGB<c>Laser-Guided Bomb
  101. <row><c>LLTV<c>Low Light Level TeleVision
  102. <row><c>LO<c>Low Observables
  103. <row><c>LOROP<c>LOng-Range Oblique Photography
  104. <row><c>LPI<c>Low Probability of intercept
  105. <row><c>MAC<c>Military Airlift Command
  106. <row><c>MAR<c>Major Aircraft Review
  107. <row><c>MATS<c>Military Air Transport Service
  108. <row><c>MSIP<c>MultiStage Improvement Program
  109. <row><c>NCA<c>National Command Authority
  110. <row><c>NORAD<c>NORth American Air Defense
  111. <row><c>NTC<c>National Training Center
  112. <row><c>NVG<c>Night Vision Goggles
  113. <row><c>NWDS<c>Navigation and Weapon Delivery System
  114. <row><c>OCIP<c>Offensive Capability Improvement Program
  115. <row><c>OCU<c>Operational Capability Update
  116. <row><c>OCU*<c>Operational Conversion Unit
  117. <row><c>ODR<c>OVerland Downlook Radar
  118. <row><c>OSA<c>Operational Support Airlift
  119. <row><c>OTH<c>Over The Horizon
  120. <row><c>PACAF<c>PACific Air Forces
  121. <row><c>PAVE<c>Precision Avionics Vectoring Equipment
  122. <row><c>PGM<c>Precision-Guided Munitions
  123. <row><c>PJ<c>Pararescue technician
  124. <row><c>PLZT<c>Polarized Lead Zirconium Titanate
  125. <row><c>R&D<c>Research and Development
  126. <row><c>RAF<c>Royal Air Force
  127. <row><c>RAM<c>Radar-Absorbent Material
  128. <row><c>RCS<c>Radar Cross Section
  129. <row><c>RFP<c>Request For Proposals
  130. <row><c>RN<c>Radar Navigator
  131. <row><c>RPV<c>Remotely Piloted Vehicle
  132. <row><c>RRITA<c>Rapid Response Intra-Theater Airlifter
  133. <row><c>RTU<c>Replacement Training Unit
  134. <row><c>SAC<c>Strategic Air Command
  135. <row><c>SAM<c>Special Air Mission
  136. <row><c>SAM*<c>Surface-to-Air Missile
  137. <row><c>SAR<c>Search And Rescue
  138. <row><c>SAR*<c>Synthetic Aperture Radar
  139. <row><c>SEAD<c>Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses
  140. <row><c>SHF<c>Super High Frequency
  141. <row><c>Sigint<c>Signals Intelligence
  142. <row><c>SIOP<c>Single Integrated Operating Plan
  143. <row><c>SIP<c>Service Improvement Program
  144. <row><c>SLAR<c>Side-Looking Airborne Radar
  145. <row><c>SLEP<c>Service Life Extension Program
  146. <row><c>SRAM<c>Short-Range Attack Missiles
  147. <row><c>STOL<c>Short Take-Off and Landing
  148. <row><c>SUU<c>Suspension Underwing Unit
  149. <row><c>TAC<c>Tactical Air Command
  150. <row><c>TACAN<c>TACtical Air Navigation
  151. <row><c>TFX<c>Tactical Fighter, Experimental
  152. <row><c>TISL<c>Target Identification Set, Laser
  153. <row><c>TPS<c>Test Pilots School
  154. <row><c>TTTS<c>Tanker Transport Trainer System
  155. <row><c>UHF<c>Ultra-High Frequency
  156. <row><c>USAF<c>United States Air Force
  157. <row><c>USAFE<c>United States Air Forces in Europe
  158. <row><c>VFR<c>Visual Flight Rules
  159. <row><c>VHF<c>Very High Frequency
  160. <row><c>VLF<c>Very Low Frequency
  161. <row><c>WAFAR<c>Wrap-Around-Fin Aircraft Rocket
  162. <row><c>OSO<c>Offensive Systems Operator
  163. </table>
  164. </body></article></text>